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H  é  l  i  x   S  a  n  t  a   A  n  a
venta de caracoles vivos, he

H e l i c i c u l t u r a

Nuestros valores
Caracol vivo
carne de caracol
Trabaja con nosotros

Our values


Live Snail

snail meat

Work with us

fingerling snail

caracol alevín
caracol vivo
caracol vivo

breeding snail

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Helix Santa Ana.   15007 Corunna. Spain. 

Helix Sta.Ana.  La Coruna. Spain


Working with live animals, which are also food, requires a commitment as a Company... We invite you to meet us.

We are committed to quality to obtain the best product

We breed and market snails of the variety Hélix aspersa Müller and Aspersa Maxima.

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